Monday, July 28, 2008

Trevor's car is cursed

So my boyfriends car aka "twin rocket" is cursed! Let me just give you a breakdown of her cursings:

-Accident in March 2006 in which we didn't even hit another car, but we went offroading in the benz on our way to lava hot springs. Said accident wasn't really anyones fault except this mysterious driver who didn't stick around after it happened. Oh and the giant bottle of rum we had in the trunk broke during the off-roadin'...heh "no officer we haven't been drinking! the rum spilled" <--that was really the truth.
-The Santa Claus incident. Early Monday morning in September....2007? Yeah 2007, last year. We had gone to see The Flaming Lips (great show) at Red Rocks the previous weekend and we just camped in my car. So on Monday when I had to go to work I went outside to get a bunch of the crap outta my car and there was a cop car blocking me in, but I didn't think much of because I would just politely ask him to move after I hauled all the belongings up the 47 stairs (you bet your ass I counted them...they sucked!) to our apartment on 6th Ave. ANYWAY the cop looked over at me and asked me if I knew "whose car this was?" Oh God, yes I know whose car that is! A UTA bus had knicked the corner of Trevor's car while it was parked on the street and when a big old bus knicks a tears the bumper off! Jesus! What a sight that was! The twin rocket with her smile torn clean off and screws laying everywhere! Trevor was pretty calm about the whole thing and when the cop handed him the paper to sign stating the guilty party he discovered that the driver's name was legally Santa Claus. ?? Weird! Now the song "Here comes Santa Claus" has an entirely different meaning to us than other people.
-The hit and run. Okay so Trev works from home right. And our apartment had GIANT south facing windows overlooking our street and the valley. Great view, probably the biggest reason we decided to live there. So one wintery (still 2007) morning Trevor hears his car alarm going off and runs over to the window to discover a white subaru speeding away around the corner. Oh snap! So he walks Dexter around the block as usual and sees a white subaru and feels the hood and it is still warm. DING DING DING! Long story short cops come, tire tread in snow matches car that fits description with warm hood. Neighbor kid hit and ran his car because he was scared some asshole whose benz he just beaned would be pissed at him? Heh. Damage came in 'round $500 that Trevor paid for on his own and just barely started getting reimbursed for at $100 a month for 5 months. Gee.
-My bad! Um yeah so I suck and one morning I realized I left my phone in the apartment and hopped out of my running car to go grab it. Um yeah....I didn't pull the brake up so my car started rolling. Clunk! $@%$%^$#$^#% Sorry Trev! :'( I could tell he was pissed but he wasn't a dick about it and never really made me feel stupid for doing it. But still! Sheesh.
-Windy city. We had a giant windstorm last night and the gate from our fence (shitty and falling apart anyway) blew off and slammed into his car.
Together they just can't win! I don't even know if he should be driving it. That car is cursed!!

1 comment:

ultrajonda said...

Jesus...between Trevor with his damage magnet of a car, and Whil with his "Hi, it would be great if you stole my car" sign, perhaps we should just forbid them both from driving? Well probably just Trev...I need Whil to drive.

Did he tell you the neighbor lady at his 'rents place backed her Hummer into Bubbles last week? Yeah. She offered to just buy the car, but that's not really an option at the moment. It's going to be hilarious when she has to pay her deductible plus the repair costs on a car that was $900 to begin with. Note - the first estimate is $1500.