Wednesday, July 28, 2010

help wanted

I have worked at this job for just shy of five years. I'm leaving in 3 weeks and 2 days. So. Weird.

A week and a half ago I wrote the ad for craigslist for my replacement. Today, I watched applicants come in for interviews. As many of you know, I have the best boss anyone could ever ask for. My father died when I was very young and this man has been one of the few father figures in my life and I have nothing but warmth and respect for him. The family environment he has created here, the respect I receive (despite my age), the casual atmosphere...all of these things and more have contributed to a really positive experience working here. Part of me is really going to miss this place.

I am still kind of in denial that my world is gonna change a lot by this time next month. I want to go blow a bunch of money on cool pens and pretty notebooks. Oh, back to school clothes shopping would be nice too.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Food weekend

Wow, I really need to get some photos of our kitchen on here. We aren't quite finished yet and I bought the new floor tiles last weekend so perhaps when we get the floor done I will get some photos up. I swear I cleaned the kitchen 7 times this weekend, as we used the shit outta it. Thursday night I made citrus zucchini spaghetti and it was fresh, summery, and really good. Spaghetti was merely the noodle, no red sauce included.

I'm kind of obsessed with rookie cookie if you can't tell. And I feel like all I write about these days is what I had for dinner...hmm. I'm infatuated with using the kitchen (but not the doing the dishes).
We also had a noodle-less zucchini lasagna on Saturday night. My bff found the recipe from an Italian g-ma somehow. It was hearty and good. I also made a noodle-less zucc lasagna a week or so ago BUT it was in a tart pan with a tart crust. Sooo good. Recipe was from A new favorite vegetarian cooking blog, ya know, now that I can cook and bake :) Ok, last food thing I'll talk about: I picked up some basil at the farmer's market on Saturday morning. 1/2 pound, $5. Score. Made pesto, 'tis good. The End.

T had a friend over for some trench diggin' on Saturday, because uhh...we're going to have sprinklers!! Finally. We will also hopefully have some grass in the next few weeks. I will be over the moon when my weekends are spent in the kitchen (duh) or reading (novels, not textbooks) or napping in the hammock. I think I can almost see the finish line.

I start school full time (no job included) August 25th and I still don't really think it's happening. T was insistent that I take 2 weeks off work before I start school to do some transitioning for this big life change. Time off...two do what?!? Long story but in the end we agreed on 5 days. My last day at work is August 19th. I am really excited but a little nervous at the same time.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cookin' with gas

T finished hooking up the gas line yesterday and I'm proud to say we had NO LEAKS! I have been lusting over Rookie Cookie's recipes and made two of them last night. For dinner we had baked pasta with eggplant, sausage and tomatoes.

The veggie gardener heads out the door at about 7:20 so breakfast is a challenge for him. I made these whole wheat, flax and berry muffins to ease his early morning hunger pains.

It was so familiar and relaxing to spend the evening cooking and cleaning in the kitchen together. I love the team effort with the reward of delish food at the end. I'm SO happy that we have a kitchen to cook in complete with OVEN and our new KITCHENAID MIXER!! Smith's marketplace had them on sale. The artisan mixer was $330 and on sale for $300. The ultra power mixer was $300 on sale for $200. So we sacrificed 25 watts and 1/2 a quart in our mixing bowl.

We are so happy. We have had a running joke that the only reason we want to get married is to get a Kitchenaid. Now the joke is that we are never getting married since we already have it. I guess there will always be the attachements and a food processor :p