Wednesday, July 23, 2008

pie oh near day

So in Utah we get an extra (and paid in my case!) holiday. This year it happens to fall on a Thursday so I'm going to just make a long house-redmodeling-four-day-weekend of it. I'm actually excited because as soon as we get the hall and bedroom painted we can put in carpet...and it will look and feel soooo much better.

The closet road broke in the middle of the night a few nights ago. It was like 5 in the morning when I heard it and in my sleepy stupor I figured the cat was just fucking around and knocked something over...NOPE! So the closet needs a little attention over the next few days too. I seem to have the same problems haunting me from our last residence. The most apparent ones are breaking closet rods and toilets that don't flush. Trevor says I flush the toilet wrong so it's me that keeps breaking it. My response is he never flushes the toilet so it's very convenient that it is my fault. HMPF

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