Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ongoing debate

Spaghetti (or any pasta really) and green beans. Do they go together? I say HELL YES and Trevor says no. I don't mean green beans inside the spaghetti or pasta sauce, but as a side dish. Mmmm. I'm hungrier just thinking about it! We have a bag of frozen ravioli that I was going to make tonight and I asked Trevor to grab some sauce, green beans and parmesan. This brought up the debate yet again. Let me know what you think!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Trevor's car is cursed

So my boyfriends car aka "twin rocket" is cursed! Let me just give you a breakdown of her cursings:

-Accident in March 2006 in which we didn't even hit another car, but we went offroading in the benz on our way to lava hot springs. Said accident wasn't really anyones fault except this mysterious driver who didn't stick around after it happened. Oh and the giant bottle of rum we had in the trunk broke during the off-roadin'...heh "no officer we haven't been drinking! the rum spilled" <--that was really the truth.
-The Santa Claus incident. Early Monday morning in September....2007? Yeah 2007, last year. We had gone to see The Flaming Lips (great show) at Red Rocks the previous weekend and we just camped in my car. So on Monday when I had to go to work I went outside to get a bunch of the crap outta my car and there was a cop car blocking me in, but I didn't think much of because I would just politely ask him to move after I hauled all the belongings up the 47 stairs (you bet your ass I counted them...they sucked!) to our apartment on 6th Ave. ANYWAY the cop looked over at me and asked me if I knew "whose car this was?" Oh God, yes I know whose car that is! A UTA bus had knicked the corner of Trevor's car while it was parked on the street and when a big old bus knicks a tears the bumper off! Jesus! What a sight that was! The twin rocket with her smile torn clean off and screws laying everywhere! Trevor was pretty calm about the whole thing and when the cop handed him the paper to sign stating the guilty party he discovered that the driver's name was legally Santa Claus. ?? Weird! Now the song "Here comes Santa Claus" has an entirely different meaning to us than other people.
-The hit and run. Okay so Trev works from home right. And our apartment had GIANT south facing windows overlooking our street and the valley. Great view, probably the biggest reason we decided to live there. So one wintery (still 2007) morning Trevor hears his car alarm going off and runs over to the window to discover a white subaru speeding away around the corner. Oh snap! So he walks Dexter around the block as usual and sees a white subaru and feels the hood and it is still warm. DING DING DING! Long story short cops come, tire tread in snow matches car that fits description with warm hood. Neighbor kid hit and ran his car because he was scared some asshole whose benz he just beaned would be pissed at him? Heh. Damage came in 'round $500 that Trevor paid for on his own and just barely started getting reimbursed for at $100 a month for 5 months. Gee.
-My bad! Um yeah so I suck and one morning I realized I left my phone in the apartment and hopped out of my running car to go grab it. Um yeah....I didn't pull the brake up so my car started rolling. Clunk! $@%$%^$#$^#% Sorry Trev! :'( I could tell he was pissed but he wasn't a dick about it and never really made me feel stupid for doing it. But still! Sheesh.
-Windy city. We had a giant windstorm last night and the gate from our fence (shitty and falling apart anyway) blew off and slammed into his car.
Together they just can't win! I don't even know if he should be driving it. That car is cursed!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

pie oh near day

So in Utah we get an extra (and paid in my case!) holiday. This year it happens to fall on a Thursday so I'm going to just make a long house-redmodeling-four-day-weekend of it. I'm actually excited because as soon as we get the hall and bedroom painted we can put in carpet...and it will look and feel soooo much better.

The closet road broke in the middle of the night a few nights ago. It was like 5 in the morning when I heard it and in my sleepy stupor I figured the cat was just fucking around and knocked something over...NOPE! So the closet needs a little attention over the next few days too. I seem to have the same problems haunting me from our last residence. The most apparent ones are breaking closet rods and toilets that don't flush. Trevor says I flush the toilet wrong so it's me that keeps breaking it. My response is he never flushes the toilet so it's very convenient that it is my fault. HMPF

Friday, July 18, 2008

how i spent my previous weekend...and will spend many to come

So I am long overdue to post some pictures of my house and the changes that have happened since the big purchase. I will start with a before of what the house looked like when we pulled up for the first time and knew it was "the one."


Wow, pretty scary looking huh? But be not boyfriend is quite handy. The dude we bought the house from didn't know shit because even though all of the plants are dead, there were a lot of expensive perennials that just needed a little love and attention. Now you will see what it looked like late June, I know I know, it is in desperate need of weeding.

Ok so last weekend, I painted the back room....the purple one. Aka the office, it kind of looks like an acid trip to me with the light and dark purple combined with the peeling up shitty checkerboard floor. So Trevor and I bickered about paint. He wants the same neutral color for the office, bedroom and hall that connects them. BORING! I like color! But our house is small and I really do get my way with a lot of things so I gave it up and "vanilla cream" it is for that area of the house. Here are some before's of the office. Oh and yes, that ceiling is asbestos.

So on Friday night I started taping and applying primer to the dark purple wall and trim. Ugh having to do a coat of primer before the paint really sucks...makes the process nearly twice as long. Anyway, I did all of the trim and edging and Trevor did the rolling....I'm not quite a pro yet so he usually has to go over mine to smooth it out a lil. Looks better eh?

So now we still need to do the hall and bedroom, which I am anxious to get done so we can put in some new carpet!

We have put the majority of our effort into the backyard, but I want to wait until we are a little farther along with it to put up pictures, but the will also be here soon.

Friday, July 11, 2008

nothing too interesting really

I'm just tired and burned out at work, so this will pass some time. I understand why I'm tired...not going to bed until 12 or 1 combined with getting up between 6am-7am would probably make anyone tired right? And we are in full swing of the busy season at work so I am just burning the candle at both ends. For example the laundry feels like this horrible daunting task...well I guess Trevor's laundry is LOL but what I mean is I'm just really really tired so everything feels like a big fucking deal.

The house is coming along! I can see progress which is the only thing keeping me motivated over the last few days. It is hard to work ALL DAY and then come home to more work, a different kind of work, but WORK nonetheless. Trevor has really been busting his ass on the house, and I think it's great because he is an energetic person, and the amount of energy he has been putting in is really going to pay off for us. I realize more everyday how talented he is. Right now he stays up late everynight making bowls on the pottery wheel we have set up in our basement. He also made a little pot for my new spider plant and I have a half finished coffee mug coming my way!

Monday, July 7, 2008

thou shalt not make noise in they own yard

So we had a BBQ last night as an end to the long weekend of BBQ's. We marinated some ribs and chicken in BBQ sauce, tons (not kidding) of garlic and rosemary from the garden. We also marinated some artichokes for a few hours in a garlic/olive oil/vinegar/rosemary/lemon marinade...YUM! The food was great, the company was great and the music was great! BUT I guess even though the "noise ordinance" doesn't go into effect until 10:00 we managed to piss off our block at 8:00. Our next door neighbor came over at 8:15 to tell us to STFU because we woke her baby up. Okay, I didn't really mind responding and telling the band to shut down because I was trying to be understanding...I don't have a baby but I guess since I live next door to one I need to act like I do??? <---Maybe that is just me being cynical but whatever. So the band quit (LAME) and about 20 minutes later the cops came! Someone called the cops at 8:00 at night!! Holy shit! Is my street full of waking babies and geriatrics? Gawd! When the cops come strolling into my backyard we are playing croquet, drinking beer, and listening to the radio on our own property. They started checking ID's and we were all of age. HAHAHA but annoying none the less. Soooo lesson learned "thou shalt not make noise in thy own backyard."

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

and if i change my miiiiind....a million tiiiiimes

Wow I have been slacking! So we DID close on the house! First payment is due Aug 1st aye!! It is a good thing though, I feel really good about our largest monthly payment going toward something we own and get "credit" for. So the house front is going well, slow and steady. I'm already feeling some of the frustration of living in a construction zone but I am sure the payoff will be worth it!

On the school front I am going through some big changes. I have made the decision that I am going to try to get into the Physical Therapy Assistant program at SLCC. The only major hurdle I am facing is that financial aid may not be available for me. I am currently going through an appeal process and should no more in the next few days on whether or not it is going to be an option. Keep your fingers crossed for me! If I do get in, I will start either Fall 09 or Fall 2010 (Fall 10 just doesn't sound right...) and it will be full time for the 1st Fall semester, Spring, Summer and then a 2nd Fall semester. This is kinda stressful because I am not likely to be working during these 15 months. We will see what pans out.