Thursday, May 17, 2007

Aquatech: This is so frustrating

So last week, my place of employment underwent a computer system upgrade. This sounds like it would be a great thing, but it has made working hell-ish! I spent hours yesterday fixing a sales batch from the 8th that I still cannot post since the department codes will not be accurate. Lame.

On the bright side, I have a super sweet new flat screen moniter to stare at all the time. On the down side something is screwed up with the audio and I can't listen to music :( But Ashlee let me borrow a radio and I have been listening to KRCL which has been a nice change. My car radio was jacked almost two years ago, so I never get to listen to the radio anymore. My friend Nikki was on KRCL today (what a coincidence, huh?) talking about public transportation and a lot of the issues surrounding it. What is also a crazy coincidence is that I have been riding my bike to work & taking TRAX every Wednesday for the last few weeks and she has a petition up for people to agree to using alternate transportation on Wednesday....dooo doooo dooooo dooo..... So, it makes me feel good that I have already been doing one of the things that she is trying to accomplish. I also checked out her blog and it made me realize that I need to make this thing more interesting. Right now I guess it is kind of more like a journal, but that is ok.

We sprung a leak at work today and a good portion of the building was flooded within 20 minutes. Kinda hectic, but made the afternoon go by pretty quick. My flip-flops are still wet...ewww.

I'm hoping to start working on the apartment this weekend! I need to make a set decision on paint so I just need to actually get to home depot and pick some stuff out. I'm getting nervous about moving but I think that it is only natural (I hope). I'm kind of a worry wort and it is easy for me to get myself mentally worked up without good reason. Here is a list of my worries:

1.what if my relationship with trevor gets somewhat ruined or tainted from moving in together?
2. i'm sad that i won't live with mckenzie/luna
3.moving out of my house now is essentially "giving up my spot" and I most likely won't have the option of moving back into my room...and I will have to get my own place (too much $$$) or live with strangers

I hope feeling this way is normal and not a sign that I am doing the wrong thing.....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

insurance is bogus

So yesterday me mum got a letter from our car insurance guy telling me that we are getting too many comprehensive claims and the underwriter is going to want to increase our rates. Insurance is total bullshit. I pay them over $1500 dollars a year and they get their panties in a knot over insurand me for about $300-$400 dollars each year on average. Insurance is so blatantly a scam and I am constantly astounded at what obvious crap it is. I guess I will just have to feel good about the fact that I know that I don't work for some bullshit industry that pays my wages by screwing people out of their money.

Anyway, the lease has been signed for the apartment and we bout a really cute 1950's stove/oven yesterday that is going to look great! We are a little concerned about getting it up the stairs to the new place since it weighs a couple hundred lbs! Hopefully we will have a camera by then and I can put up some comedic pictures when it actually happens!

Monday, May 7, 2007

tile, paint, carpet and stove

So I am moving into a new apartment at the end of June with Trevor. It is an old mansion in the Avenues that has been converted into a four-plex and we are both in love with it! It is in need of some serious TLC but we should have at least an entire month to work on it before we move in. I am so excited to learn more about painting and doing tile, carpets, floors and the like. We are going to make that place look soooooo good!!! The other really great thing about this situation is that I will no longer be paying rent while I live there which will allow me to work a little less and focus more on school! YAY! There is even a grassy area in the back where I can still play fetch with the dog. Now I just need to learn how to enjoy the good things that are happening right now! My job is going great, my relationship is great and I am moving into an awesome place that I get to improve and feel all accomplished about. Hopefully everything stays on the up like it has been for the last little bit. Oh and I better not forget that I am also going to Puerto Rico in 16 days!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

please consider others, keep your feet off the seats

So I commuted to work today on my bike for the first time this year! YAY! When I'm laying in bed and the alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. it is always hard to win the battle that goes on in my head. Do I want to do something good for my body and the environment or do I want an extra 45 minutes of sleep? But today I had the motivation. I didn't bring my ipod for my commute and I kind of wish I would have. The monotone robotic voice of the lady reminding riders of the rules of trax and notifying everyone of the stops is stuck in my head! The ipod also keeps weird-o's from trying to talk to me. Riding public transportation lets you meet a lot of....crazy (I guess that is the best word to describe it) people. On a different note, my sis had surgery today and it is already over and everything went well, it is a big relief.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


So I finished my last final for this semester and I already have free time that I don't really know what to do with. I decided this would be easier and possibly more entertaining than keeping a journal...we will see! I'm hoping that this will be something that will be helpful in letting my family know what I am up to. My mom is moving to Wales for 6 months to a year and it will be easy for her to see what I am up to (better censor it...hehe).

I am getting really excited to go to San Juan, PR with Trevor. I know we just went to Mexico in March, but I am really looking forward to a trip somewhere far far away with just the two of us. I have never done that before.

Something that I am not very excited about is the fact that I have to take my Econ class over the summer since I didn't have time for it this spring :( oh well.