Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shitty morning of shittiness

Let me give you some background:

Last Friday my mom called me to tell me she has nodules all over her thyroid and while odds are in our favor for them not to be cancerous, it is still scary to me. They did a needle biopsy on Monday and the results were sent to her Dr first thing Wednesday morning. He didn't call all day to give her the results so she went to his office this morning. The result: inconclusive. We will hopefully know more soon. According to statistics, even if they are cancerous, thyroid cancer is not very deadly. This is all in the back of my mind and probably blowing other things out of proportion.

We moved everything that belongs in the kitchen into the living room, so it wouldn't get covered in drywall dust. My house is a fucking mess. I don't function well in chaos. I gave my house key to Trev's dad so that he could get in and work on the kitchen and let the electrician in and what not. Trev and I have been sharing 1 key between the two of us, so it isn't on a ring or anything. We lost the key in the chaos last night and have not been able to find it. I had one of those mornings where you have to go back into the house a million times (I think 6 but that counts as a million to me) because you keep forgetting shit you need to bring. Getting into the house without a key is a major pain in the ass.

After I am finally on my way to work (LATE), my check engine light comes on for probably the ____th time (I don't even know anymore) since I've had that car. Can I just have a do-over of today? I seriously feel like I might scream at some point. Maybe it will feel good if I do.

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