Wednesday, March 24, 2010


We had such nice weather last weekend and both spent ALL day Sunday working in the yard. I was so sore and tired by the end of it, don't know how Trev does it all day every day. But we got the leaves raked out of the front flower beds and I dug the grass that's growing in them out with a shovel. I did this last year and it also sucked then, but since we had put a layer of bark down, it was easier this year. Still sucked though. We are nearly done touching up the front yard for the year, though. I'm very happy about that since now we will only have to do maintenance type stuff on it for the rest of the season. It's nice to pull up to a nice looking front yard :D Here are Dex and Lily helping.

Last night we tore out the rest of the wall that is leaving in our kitchen. DUSTY! I put some plastic up on the doorways and it made a big difference. I'm really hoping to have this kitchen done by the end of April.

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