Friday, May 15, 2009


This cleanse stuff is really hard. I feel totally zapped of energy and when I got home from work last night I read a little and then fell asleep for two hours. I was really struggling with wanting to eat something last night as well. Trevor suggested I come home early and bbq....uhhhh, yeah not happening and thanks for getting me thinking about smoky, savory food. After I woke up from my nap we walked the dogs (Luna is staying with us for a few days) and that was nice. I played wii for a little while and then read until about 11:30. I still want coffee dammit! We have a lot to do this weekend. Finishing pouring the last part of our concrete patio and some veggie planting and other yardwork so I'm seriously considering having some food later tonight. As of right now I feel like I have negative energy levels. I have read where people say they feel "so energized" when they do this but maybe you need to get passed a few days to get there.

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