Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Calf Creek

We went camping this past weekend with some friends and had a great time! I don't know if any of you have been to Calf Creek before but it is near Escalante and is absolutely beautiful. It had everything I was looking for...beautiful scenery, sun, water to play in, hiking and so much more. We took Dexter with us and he was the billy goat of the hike. I noticed his dew claw (he only has 1...not sure why) was cracked and just left it alone, figuring it would eventually break off or grow long enough I could trim it at the crack. We took him hiking with us (of course) and hiking down in is pretty steep. They told us you drop 500 ft in the first mile! He made it down fine but later he slipped on some slick rock and slid about 10 ft...and you guessed it! Dew claw came pretty much all the way off but thank goodness it didn't tear the actual toe. So now his little red toe is totally exposed and I'm hoping it grows back. If not we will have to get it removed :( I really don't want to put him through that if we can avoid it. His knee also popped out pretty bad after the climb back up...remember that whole 500 ft in a mile part? He walked around the campsite on 3 legs for about 30 minutes. It makes me really sad that my little buddy who has been with me for FIVE YEARS is getting old. I can't imagine not taking him on a hike or walk because his leg can't handle it. I'm ordering some of the canine glucosamine to add to his food TODAY and I'm going to stop writing about him getting old because I am getting even more sad about it ;)

We got some great pictures! If you have a chance to make it down there I would highly recommend it.

Guarding the tent

Tired little mountain goat

Family photo minus Lily

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