Monday, May 18, 2009

Making progress

I finished my first book for my summer reading. It was Case Histories by Kate Atkinson, and was really good! Kenzie loaned it to me like a year ago and I never have any time to read but I am really glad I read it. If you like mysteries and aren't bothered by some foul language and sex than pick it up.

Trevor also planted 18 tomato plants yesterday...well I guess 16 since I helped and planted 2! So I helped Trevor with the garden and met another goal! Ha ha. I also planted some herbs and have been seeding and watering the lawn for most of this month. I hope it starts to grow better soon. Watering it a lot has really helped fill it in, but we still have a few big bald spots.

I am working on talking Trev into a camping trip, but he is hot to trot on the house and yard so it is proving to be difficult to convince him to stop and go play. I forget what some of my other goals are...good thing I wrote 'em down! OH! I rode my road bike for the first time yesterday and am going to again tonight. Look at me go! Crossin' shit of the list left and right! We rode our bikes down to Living Traditions and had some Sudanese food and $5 beers. We saw some really neat stuff, like bonsai, pottery, weaving and a man was doing metal and iron working. I love the nice weather and this weekend really felt like Summer to me.

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