Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What a great day!

I just found a $10 bill in my wallet! Who woulda thunk?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Calf Creek

We went camping this past weekend with some friends and had a great time! I don't know if any of you have been to Calf Creek before but it is near Escalante and is absolutely beautiful. It had everything I was looking for...beautiful scenery, sun, water to play in, hiking and so much more. We took Dexter with us and he was the billy goat of the hike. I noticed his dew claw (he only has 1...not sure why) was cracked and just left it alone, figuring it would eventually break off or grow long enough I could trim it at the crack. We took him hiking with us (of course) and hiking down in is pretty steep. They told us you drop 500 ft in the first mile! He made it down fine but later he slipped on some slick rock and slid about 10 ft...and you guessed it! Dew claw came pretty much all the way off but thank goodness it didn't tear the actual toe. So now his little red toe is totally exposed and I'm hoping it grows back. If not we will have to get it removed :( I really don't want to put him through that if we can avoid it. His knee also popped out pretty bad after the climb back up...remember that whole 500 ft in a mile part? He walked around the campsite on 3 legs for about 30 minutes. It makes me really sad that my little buddy who has been with me for FIVE YEARS is getting old. I can't imagine not taking him on a hike or walk because his leg can't handle it. I'm ordering some of the canine glucosamine to add to his food TODAY and I'm going to stop writing about him getting old because I am getting even more sad about it ;)

We got some great pictures! If you have a chance to make it down there I would highly recommend it.

Guarding the tent

Tired little mountain goat

Family photo minus Lily

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We've got sprouts!

The grass seed has started to sprout and I am so glad! I was worried that we were going to need to start over and do some tilling and more seeding. Even with animals and the two of us tromping around on it, it is still coming up. Hopefully in the next month or so, the lawn will be pretty full. This weekend we are going camping with some friends, I am really excited to get away even if only for a little bit. I hope everyone else has some fun plans for the weekend! I love paid holidays.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Making progress

I finished my first book for my summer reading. It was Case Histories by Kate Atkinson, and was really good! Kenzie loaned it to me like a year ago and I never have any time to read but I am really glad I read it. If you like mysteries and aren't bothered by some foul language and sex than pick it up.

Trevor also planted 18 tomato plants yesterday...well I guess 16 since I helped and planted 2! So I helped Trevor with the garden and met another goal! Ha ha. I also planted some herbs and have been seeding and watering the lawn for most of this month. I hope it starts to grow better soon. Watering it a lot has really helped fill it in, but we still have a few big bald spots.

I am working on talking Trev into a camping trip, but he is hot to trot on the house and yard so it is proving to be difficult to convince him to stop and go play. I forget what some of my other goals are...good thing I wrote 'em down! OH! I rode my road bike for the first time yesterday and am going to again tonight. Look at me go! Crossin' shit of the list left and right! We rode our bikes down to Living Traditions and had some Sudanese food and $5 beers. We saw some really neat stuff, like bonsai, pottery, weaving and a man was doing metal and iron working. I love the nice weather and this weekend really felt like Summer to me.

Friday, May 15, 2009


This cleanse stuff is really hard. I feel totally zapped of energy and when I got home from work last night I read a little and then fell asleep for two hours. I was really struggling with wanting to eat something last night as well. Trevor suggested I come home early and bbq....uhhhh, yeah not happening and thanks for getting me thinking about smoky, savory food. After I woke up from my nap we walked the dogs (Luna is staying with us for a few days) and that was nice. I played wii for a little while and then read until about 11:30. I still want coffee dammit! We have a lot to do this weekend. Finishing pouring the last part of our concrete patio and some veggie planting and other yardwork so I'm seriously considering having some food later tonight. As of right now I feel like I have negative energy levels. I have read where people say they feel "so energized" when they do this but maybe you need to get passed a few days to get there.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spring cleaning

My house needs it, my car needs it, my office needs it, and my body needs it. The house I have been working on, but the office and car should be relatively quick. A few friends of mine have been doing the master cleanse lately, with mixed results. It is the cleanse where you drink a lemonade concoction for a number of days. No solid foods, and you also drink laxative tea and do saltwater "flushes." I had decided a while ago that I wanted to try it and was bummed to hear the bad experiences. The master cleanse recommends 10 days on this regimen. 10 days!!!! No wonder everyone I know hates it. The mental challenge of 10 days with no food, let alone coffee or a beer is frightening! I am giving myself the challenge of 3 days. In my mind, I can do that and I hope I prove to myself that I can. I love food, but this isn't about starvation, it is about cleaning some junk out. I started last night and already this morning I have a yucky, bitter taste in my mouth. I want some coffee.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Summer Goals

Spring semester is officially over!! Now I will wait and see what unfolds for getting into my program. But it does feel great to have my pre-req's completed. I'm hoping this the end of an era for me...the era of working full time while trying to go to school as much as possible. In order to occupy myself for my new found free time here are my goals for the summer:

- Read at least 3 books
- Knit every week (I have a lot of gifts to make for the future and my skillz need some refreshing and refining)
- Help Trevor more with our garden
- Make the back yard pretty and fix the fence
- $Pay off debt$
- Go camping until I have had my fill of it
- Ride bikes...a lot

Friday, May 1, 2009

The only thing missing is the perm

We have this family photo from Trevor's family in our living room. He hates it. I love it. It stays. Anyway, he shaved a beard he had been growing for a month so I made him leave the stache and that cheesy chin thing (don't know what it is called).

That's his poppa with the killer mustache and perm in the background. Oh, and Trev is trying to give the same facial expression HA! I was laughing so hard I could barely hold the camera still.