Wednesday, October 1, 2008

7 things

7 Things I Can Do...
1. ALL of our laundry :/
2. Cook a mean thai curry
3. Spend waaaay to much time on the internet
4. Eat...A LOT
5. Procrastinate
6. Hurt myself
7. Listen to amy all day every day

7 Things I Cannot Do...
1. Sing
2. Sew
3. Knit
4. Eat mayo
5. Wake up early to _____
6. Iron
7. Stay mad at my pets

7 Things That Attracted me to _____
1. Sense of humor
2. he is hot hot hot
3. he gives great scratches
4. and great rub downs
5. he liked my dog
6. he was busy
7. and everything else about him

7 Things I say Most Often...
1. Expletives
2. I'm tiiiiired
3. NO!
4. What's for dinner?
5. Treeeeeev....?
6. Hi buddy!
7. scraaaatch

7 Favorite Foods...
1. Thai
2. Indian
3. Chocolate
4. Peanut butter
5. Chips and salsa
6. Cheese
7. Garlic burgers

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