Friday, October 31, 2008


I am very lucky that in my life I have never really been addicted to any substance. On Wednesday I went to the dentist to get a crown on one tooth and a filling on another...not fun, and I was in anxiety mode all day until my appointment. The procedures went fine though, they gave me a valium and I had a steady flow of nitrous the whole time....weeeeeee. ANYWAY I am gum. Yes gum, minty gum to be specific. I can't make it through the day without it and if I find myself without gum I am thinking about when I can hurry and make a run to a store to get more gum. Sheesh. I can't chew gum right now because it can potentially pull out my temporary and it is driving me absolutely crazy! I am trying to switch to tic tacs and mints but it just isn't the same.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

some time killin

I is a lovely fall day
I know...what I know
I get a B in anatomy and to go on vacation
I have...a lot of homework!
I wish...I did better on my anatomy test
I hate...rude drivers, 40 hour work weeks, our broken government
I miss...being young and carefree
I fear...the future...sometimes
I feel...disappointed in myself
I hear...ashlee and brooke talking
I smell...a candle
I search...for meaning!
I wonder...what my life will be in 10 years
I regret...not trying harder my first years of college
I love...Trevor, cheese, my pets, my family
I care...a lot
I always...drink coffee
I am not...good at science
I puppies!
I dance...without any rhythm
I sing...the wrong words
I don't always...get what I want
I write...on this silly blog, on sticky nots and in notebooks
I word challenge
I keys at least once a day
I at walmart or buy coffee at starbucks
I listen...well
I can usually be work :/
I'm scared of...losing people I care about
I read...books, magazines, newspapers, blogs, textbooks
I am happy about...owning my own house

Friday, October 10, 2008

Photographic evidence of what I have been up to

I have some good pictures that have been taken over the last few weeks and since I am not studying until Monday (much needed break) I will just play around on here for a while ;)

Last weekend we hauled a bunch of sticks and dead stuff out of the yard for neighborhood clean up. We also removed a concrete path in our backyard. I found out it is kinda cool to break shit with a sledge hammer. ANYWAY it was physically hard work and I was beat the next morning and craving PANCAKES! So Trevor made some awesome pancakes for me from scratch. His sister-in-law supposedly makes an out of this world awesome homemade pancake so he got the recipe from her and cooked them for me. This is my "mickey mouse" pancake...ummm yeah it looks like winnie the pooh. Trevor couldn't believe that I had never had a mickey mouse pancake before and even after that I guess I still haven't.

It is starting to get COLD here and we are actually supposed to see some snow over the next few days. LAME. Since the bad weather is coming, we harvested all of our basil to make a giant batch of pesto to get us through the months when we can't pick some out of the backyard. I absolutely LOVE this picture because Trevor looks like a wild animal in the basil jungle.

Our kitty has a little friend who hangs out in our yard all the time. He (I assume he's a boy) is really scared of me but he looks in our windows and generally is smitten with our kitty. I totally scored a picture of him on our shed the other morning as I was leaving for work. Lily got in a fight a few weeks ago, as manifested but a cut up kitty face, and I have a sneaking suspicion that she told him she just wanted to be friends or something.

Other than that I have been studying LIKE CRAZY but I took two tests this week, so it should be a little more relaxing over the next few days.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

YAY it's Fall!

So I now finally am feeling like it is Fall which is my absolute favorite time of year. Crispy air, warm sunshine and aweome colors...what is not to love? I'm also stoked because I finally fingured out how to change these backgrounds to "cutesie poo" stuff. On the down side, I had to retire my favorite jeans this morning due to a ripped off belt loop and some holes in crotch and thigh area :/ I'll miss you jeans! I'm conidering burying them in the backyard, that is how attached I am.

This week is going to be really hell-ish for me since I have my lab midterm Thursday morning and a lecture midterm on Friday!!! AAAHHHHH! Hopefully I do really well on these two so I don't have to worry so much for the rest of the semester.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

7 things

7 Things I Can Do...
1. ALL of our laundry :/
2. Cook a mean thai curry
3. Spend waaaay to much time on the internet
4. Eat...A LOT
5. Procrastinate
6. Hurt myself
7. Listen to amy all day every day

7 Things I Cannot Do...
1. Sing
2. Sew
3. Knit
4. Eat mayo
5. Wake up early to _____
6. Iron
7. Stay mad at my pets

7 Things That Attracted me to _____
1. Sense of humor
2. he is hot hot hot
3. he gives great scratches
4. and great rub downs
5. he liked my dog
6. he was busy
7. and everything else about him

7 Things I say Most Often...
1. Expletives
2. I'm tiiiiired
3. NO!
4. What's for dinner?
5. Treeeeeev....?
6. Hi buddy!
7. scraaaatch

7 Favorite Foods...
1. Thai
2. Indian
3. Chocolate
4. Peanut butter
5. Chips and salsa
6. Cheese
7. Garlic burgers