Tuesday, August 26, 2008

feeling the burn

So here I am 6 days into my new semester and I am already stretched pretty thin. It is taking me a little longer than expected to get to class and back to work, which is fine because my work is awesome and really flexible with me. But it sucks ass because my paychecks are going to hurt! Sorry Trev, I'm broke! And I am not kidding.

School seems to be going ok though, I feel behind in Anatomy because I don't really remember anything of my Biology prerequisite that I took in 2004....I wonder why? Too much time lapse and substance abuse would be my guess! So right now I am really busting my ass trying to catch up on cell structure/function and teach myself how to use a microscope.

Another obstacle I am facing is that I have 3 Dr appointments coming up in September and October. I have to get a crown and filling (eeeeep!) and my appointment fell the evening before my Lab midterm. So I changed that one around. Now I need to reschedule my yearly ummm..."not so fun" womanly dr appointment too. GRRR. Oh and all of these appointments are time away from work...so yeah...sorry again Trev! I'm even more broke than two paragraphs above. How about you just write me off as a dependent on your taxes? Kisses

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