Monday, August 4, 2008

It is August already??

We opened a credit card at home depot a few weeks ago and spent $1,000 on blinds for 5 windows, paint & paint supplies, some wood...and I think that is about it. This was quite a strange experience for me because I do not live my life in the "have now pay later." So as we are walking around shopping there I'm feeling really anxious like we shouldn't be doing this. I know that MOST people my age and MOST Americans for that matter do not share my mentality. I dont' buy stuff until I can pay for it (why is that so hard for most people?). But we did it, we made the plunge into some debt for stuff we need for the house that we now have a year to pay off interest free. I still feel anxious about it, but I guess that is a good thing because I am sure as shit not buying anything else on credit until this is paid off!

School starts 2 weeks from Wednesday and I am not sure I am ready to give up a lot of my free time but I don't have a lot of choice. Sad.

As I stated previously, Pioneer Day weekend was going to be a paint-a-thon for me. And it was! Kenzie came over on Saturday and helped me primer the hall. We drank lots of beer and ate sandwiches! Trevor was at a meeting ALL DAY that day and when he got home he fell asleep on the couch. RUDE! So I decided he was going to make us dinner, it was THE LEAST he could do ;) We had uber garlicky garlic burgers and red wine. YUM!

I don't know if I will ever paint really dark colors in my house. we painted our apartment some dark colors but who cares!? We lived there for a year and were not going to paint over it. Having to apply primer in 1-2 coats and THEN paint...ugh. Makes the job reaaallly long. Here are some hall and bedroom pictures, I have some "before's" of the bedroom but not really any of the hall...oops. ENJOY!

OMG ewww! Look at those UUUGGGGLYYY curtains!!

Ahhh sooo much better and now WITH BLINDS!

And here is the hall mostly covered in primer

and covered in paint!

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