Friday, November 14, 2008

Novemba is half ova!

Soooo what has been going on since I last checked in with my web log...? Well, the economy is still in the shitter but I luckily still have a job. Gas prices are down and I don't remember them being this low since 2006 (I think). We have a new President (elect)! As for my own little world I have come to accept that I will be taking anatomy again next semester. This bums me out, makes me feel a little like a failure but at the same time I have spoken with some of my classmates in my therapy class and most of them are on the same boat as me. Last night I was able to check out the lab and classrooms that the program uses. It was really nice, they had more space and equipment than most of the clinics I observed at. I'm really hoping to get in next Fall but it is becoming apparent that the money side of things might make that impossible. So I am also trying to gear myself up for not being upset if I have to wait a year to do it. I'm a little worried about banking on student loans as the credit situation in this country doesn't seem to be getting much better. We will see what happens! I was talking to Trevor's dad last night and he said that control is an illusion (which I totally believe) so I am trying to apply that to my current worries and just let the chips fall.

On a brighter note, the weather lately has been really nice and KSL says this weekend is going to be sunny and into the 60s! Woooo, maybe I can rake up the rest of our leaves. I raked up 11 bags last Saturday and my pampered little keyboard hands were hurting. I really love the trees in our yard but now I'm starting to see one of the negative aspects of having SO MANY trees! But they are totally worth it.


Carrie Johnson said...

Jillian! Holy cow I haven't seen you forever! What ever happened to you anyways? Didn't you move during high school? Gosh, that was years ago! Looks like life is treating you pretty well. We'll have to keep in touch!

Marion said...

wow! it's been a long time... and i bet we don't live to far from each other. I saw the pic of you and chelsea so it looks like she is married. You need to put more pic's of your boy he looks cute!
what are you going into. It sounds like the medical field?
I'm glad you found me, how fun is that////

kalei and jake said...

Hey I'm so glad you found us! It's so fun to see what you're up to. Sounds like you're doing great. Jared is getting tall, he looks just like Dennis it's funny. Everyone's getting so old, it's so weird and that means we're getting old as well I hate that! ha Keep in touch!