Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I can't think of a clever title

Yesterday I had my final in anatomy. I studied a bit but I know I am re-taking it so it didn't consume my entire weekend. About 20 minutes into the test the fire alarm goes off! HA! So we all calmly gathered our things (exactly what you aren't supposed to do) and when I got into the hallway it smelled VERY strongly of gas. Long story short we got shuffled into another building for about 20 minutes and then went back and finished. I'm not gonna lie I almost looked at my notes like 3 times but I didn't.

Trevor and I got a little Christmas tree last night! We also got 1 strand of lights and some red ornament ball thingys but I plan on using discarded PBR cans as the main decoration. I totally stole Kenzie's idea shhhh, don't tell her.

Other than that, not a lot has been going on. We painted our bathroom finally, the funky orange is gone and now we just need to finish the trim. We also finally bought our new carpet but it is backordered until the 19th. Boo hoo. I really wanted to have it in before Christmas but oh well.

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