Tuesday, August 26, 2008

feeling the burn

So here I am 6 days into my new semester and I am already stretched pretty thin. It is taking me a little longer than expected to get to class and back to work, which is fine because my work is awesome and really flexible with me. But it sucks ass because my paychecks are going to hurt! Sorry Trev, I'm broke! And I am not kidding.

School seems to be going ok though, I feel behind in Anatomy because I don't really remember anything of my Biology prerequisite that I took in 2004....I wonder why? Too much time lapse and substance abuse would be my guess! So right now I am really busting my ass trying to catch up on cell structure/function and teach myself how to use a microscope.

Another obstacle I am facing is that I have 3 Dr appointments coming up in September and October. I have to get a crown and filling (eeeeep!) and my appointment fell the evening before my Lab midterm. So I changed that one around. Now I need to reschedule my yearly ummm..."not so fun" womanly dr appointment too. GRRR. Oh and all of these appointments are time away from work...so yeah...sorry again Trev! I'm even more broke than two paragraphs above. How about you just write me off as a dependent on your taxes? Kisses

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st day of skoo

I had my first day of Anatomy today, and my teacher seems really cool. The subject matter is interesting and even if I change my major (not planning on it) the information will be relevant to life in general. I found out we are going to have cadavers in our lab though! I'm excited because I think it will be so cool to see a human body on the inside. I'm kinda grossed out by it though, especially since my lab is 1st thing in the morning. I'm just picturing myself all sleepy eyed with my coffee mug standing over a dead body...kinda weird! Hopefully some of it will help me get over my anxiety about death...doubtful, but I have hope dammit. So I have lab tomorrow morning, wish me luck! I also have my intro to physical therapy class tomorrow night. Thursday is my "hell day" this semester. Lab from 8-9:50 and then work from 10:30 - 4:30 and finishing up with class from 5-6:50. Ugg.

Trevor has been in California since Sunday night and I am totally ready for him to come home. Our new couch was delivered on Monday and I was going to attempt assembling it last night only to discover it is the loveseat. Waaah waaah waaaaaaaaaaah. Oh and one set of our blinds is about 8" too long for the window it was for soooooo we paid another $50 to get them fixed since it can't be proven that the chick at Home Depot wrote it down wrong. I have faith in my boyfriend to measure windows and I'm pretty sure he has the mental capacity to do so, therefore, the error is not ours! We got them back last week and they didn't change anything. Whyyyyyyyyyyy does it have to be this way. Just cuz, that's why.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Some back yard action

So the backyard is where the majority of our efforts have gone since we bought the house. So far we have done a lot of clean up and planted a gareden with it's own "custom" fence ;) We have big plans for the finished product though, including a fountain in our pond...ooooooooh. Trevor is going to build a new frame for the deck and we are going to keep the existing redwood boards and use them for the new deck. We are also going to do a neat railing that will hopefully include some planter boxes.

The veggies are coming along quite well. We have lots of tomatoes and zucchini and some of the acorn squash (squashes??) are becoming muy grande! Our jalapenos are also coming along quite well and I'm uber excited to make some homegrown salsa. We planted a bunch of walla wallas...hopefully they get bigger or else our homegrown & homemade salsa with be just that with the exception of homegrown onions. Anyway, here are some pictures. Enjoy!

Ahh.. the overgrown yard of a house in foreclosure

Here is our little outdoor fridge to keep us refreshed, full, and slightly buzzed

This is when we still had grass! It was so nice to lay in while it lasted

Dexter is helping Trevor dig the new garden :)

Alright there is a time lapse of hot dry Utah summer combined with us letting the lawn die ...halfway on purpose so we can flatten it out and start over, and halfway out of laziness with watering.

Here are some shots of that party we had in July where the cops came to break it up at like 8:30...heh

Monday, August 4, 2008

It is August already??

We opened a credit card at home depot a few weeks ago and spent $1,000 on blinds for 5 windows, paint & paint supplies, some wood...and I think that is about it. This was quite a strange experience for me because I do not live my life in the "have now pay later." So as we are walking around shopping there I'm feeling really anxious like we shouldn't be doing this. I know that MOST people my age and MOST Americans for that matter do not share my mentality. I dont' buy stuff until I can pay for it (why is that so hard for most people?). But we did it, we made the plunge into some debt for stuff we need for the house that we now have a year to pay off interest free. I still feel anxious about it, but I guess that is a good thing because I am sure as shit not buying anything else on credit until this is paid off!

School starts 2 weeks from Wednesday and I am not sure I am ready to give up a lot of my free time but I don't have a lot of choice. Sad.

As I stated previously, Pioneer Day weekend was going to be a paint-a-thon for me. And it was! Kenzie came over on Saturday and helped me primer the hall. We drank lots of beer and ate sandwiches! Trevor was at a meeting ALL DAY that day and when he got home he fell asleep on the couch. RUDE! So I decided he was going to make us dinner, it was THE LEAST he could do ;) We had uber garlicky garlic burgers and red wine. YUM!

I don't know if I will ever paint really dark colors in my house. we painted our apartment some dark colors but who cares!? We lived there for a year and were not going to paint over it. Having to apply primer in 1-2 coats and THEN paint...ugh. Makes the job reaaallly long. Here are some hall and bedroom pictures, I have some "before's" of the bedroom but not really any of the hall...oops. ENJOY!

OMG ewww! Look at those UUUGGGGLYYY curtains!!

Ahhh sooo much better and now WITH BLINDS!

And here is the hall mostly covered in primer

and covered in paint!