Monday, April 19, 2010

Pro window washer

BACKGROUND: I washed my windows on Saturday morning, they are much more pleasant to look out of. I found a recipe online that used vinegar, lemon juice, dish soap and water. Trev came home from camping and got a shower, then it was nap time. I hadn't done much cleaning since I attempted to hike to the living room with Kenz, Dex and Luna. We left at pretty much the hottest part of the day -I think it was about 77- and our old, BLACK dogs didn't like the heat too well. We made it about half way and turned around. I think as the season goes on we will get them more in shape and probably leave earlier in the day too.

OK - I was vacuuming the chair by the front window and THUD something smacked the window above my head. I thought Trev threw something at me because he wanted me to stop vacuuming but was confused because he said he didn't care and that is kind of unlike him...
I looked down on the dog bed right below the window and there was a BIRD crumpled up :( I guess my cat brought it in the house and it thought it was making a get away through my clean clean clean window. I thought it was dead because it wasn't moving. I woke T up from his nap and (my hero) he picked it up and it bee lined straight at my head. I ducked and screamed like a little girl and went running out the front door. I thought since it was injured it was gonna fly right into my face. I walked back in and heard "out you go!" followed by the back door being shut. T said it flew off and Lily walked around the house meowing deep throaty meows...I think she's mad at us.

Here is Luna cooling off in her pool after our hike.

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