Wednesday, April 28, 2010

5 weeks

and 1 day with no kitchen. I miss cooking.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Pretty tulips

Sunbeam naps

On a side note, my car died last night. Horrible screeching noise. Sounds like death. I'm going to meet my car savior in a little bit and find out what is wrong. I'm scared!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pro window washer

BACKGROUND: I washed my windows on Saturday morning, they are much more pleasant to look out of. I found a recipe online that used vinegar, lemon juice, dish soap and water. Trev came home from camping and got a shower, then it was nap time. I hadn't done much cleaning since I attempted to hike to the living room with Kenz, Dex and Luna. We left at pretty much the hottest part of the day -I think it was about 77- and our old, BLACK dogs didn't like the heat too well. We made it about half way and turned around. I think as the season goes on we will get them more in shape and probably leave earlier in the day too.

OK - I was vacuuming the chair by the front window and THUD something smacked the window above my head. I thought Trev threw something at me because he wanted me to stop vacuuming but was confused because he said he didn't care and that is kind of unlike him...
I looked down on the dog bed right below the window and there was a BIRD crumpled up :( I guess my cat brought it in the house and it thought it was making a get away through my clean clean clean window. I thought it was dead because it wasn't moving. I woke T up from his nap and (my hero) he picked it up and it bee lined straight at my head. I ducked and screamed like a little girl and went running out the front door. I thought since it was injured it was gonna fly right into my face. I walked back in and heard "out you go!" followed by the back door being shut. T said it flew off and Lily walked around the house meowing deep throaty meows...I think she's mad at us.

Here is Luna cooling off in her pool after our hike.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Trev worked ALL day Saturday, choppin' logs and doing other things that match his beard. I stayed home, knitted like crazy and watched Keeping up with the Kardashians. Shh! don't tell anyone, I'm embarrassed that I watch it, but not embarrassed enough to stop! (yet)

I have forgotten how much I enjoy down time on the weekends. I'm looking forward to having more of it once we get these last few projects finished. I finished a gift for a birthday this month - check me out gettin' stuff done early - and got a decent chunk of a gift for a June birthday done. Feels goooood.

Friday, April 9, 2010

So tired

We saw Spoon on Wednesday night and it was better than I could have imagined. I was blown away by how good they sounded live. No studio magic on Britt's voice. I saw Queens of the Stone Age a few years ago and haven't been able to listen to them since. They were so terrible live. So it was such a pleasant surprise that Spoon sounded as good as they did. They also played for almost 2 hours and when they came out for an encore they played 4 more songs. Wednesday night I didn't go to bed until 1, and then got up at 6:30 to drop my car off for another of it's issues. My mom found out a few days ago that they wanted to do surgery to remove her thyroid. She had it removed yesterday morning and I wasn't able to come see her until 8:30 last night. I made it home at about midnight and am soooo tired. I'm going to sleep like crazy tonight and tomorrow morning. I filled Lily's food dish with dog food (she's a cat), and poured orange juice into my coffee cup. I probably shouldn't have driven myself to work today HA.

Also, just because this is awesome, watch this video of Spoon live. This isn't the show we went to, but the drunk chicks arguing in the beginning is really funny. "There's a scooter here!" hahaha