Monday, July 13, 2009


Wow, it has been a minute! June was a busy month, but was also GREAT! One weekend Trev was in Vegas for his little brother's bachelor party. It was kinda fun to have the place to myself for a few days but life is better when he is around! His brother's wedding was on the 27th which was awesome and there were a lot of Hardings in town to hang out with so the month really ended with a bang.

We finally got our swamp cleaned out and now it is almost a pond! There is a leak in the tarp though :/ But at least the water is circulating and once we get it fixed, I will treat the water again and make it all pretty. Veggies are coming along GREAT this year, we are still eating salad (going on about 3 1/2 months now) and Trevor ate a tomato last week.

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