Wednesday, July 29, 2009


For the Holiday weekend we headed to Strawberry to camp and do some fishing. My friend brought his "scanoe" which as far as I can tell is just a canoe. It really isn't the best time of year for fishing there, and Trevor was the only one to catch a fish (of course). Hanging out in the scanoe was great and really relaxing. It was awesome to be down by the water to because I could keep Dexter cooled off. Trev and I stayed a night longer than everyone else and that was fun but we also had scary moments when animals came to hang out at our campsite O.o

Once again, I can't get this site to load anyone else having issues?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Yeast infection in the ear??

So Dex has a yeast and a bacterial infection in his ear. Poor widdul buddy. I took him in on Saturday and they swabbed a big chunk of gunk out of his ear...'twas really nasty looking. I have to clean his ear with gauze and cleaner once a day and put a medicated cream into his ear canal twice a day. He HATES it! He yelps and writhes and gives me the saddest look he can muster. We have to do this routine for only oh....12 more days. I can already tell he is feeling better though, he isn't scratching at it as much and it isn't producing as much gunk 2 days into the medicine. Oh and I'm only out $200 for the vet visit! #$%@%#@% (although shots were included)

Friday, July 17, 2009

What's next??

Ugh! So glad today is Friday.

Dexter has been scratching at one of his ears more than usual over the last few weeks and last night it became apparent he needs a doc! He had a hard time sleeping and kept getting up to shake his head or to scratch at his ear. I looked at it this morning and there is a dark sticky substance in it. Ewwww. He is going to the vet tomorrow morning unless they call me soon and let me know that they had a cancellation for today.

The regulator to my driver window also broke today. It's the motor that rolls the window up and down. My good friend works in auto glass though, so hopefully I will get a good deal on the install. The part at the dealership is $70, so I'm hitting up the pick n pull tomorrow in an attempt to save a few bucks.

Bad things come in 3's so what financial blow is headed my way next?

Monday, July 13, 2009


Wow, it has been a minute! June was a busy month, but was also GREAT! One weekend Trev was in Vegas for his little brother's bachelor party. It was kinda fun to have the place to myself for a few days but life is better when he is around! His brother's wedding was on the 27th which was awesome and there were a lot of Hardings in town to hang out with so the month really ended with a bang.

We finally got our swamp cleaned out and now it is almost a pond! There is a leak in the tarp though :/ But at least the water is circulating and once we get it fixed, I will treat the water again and make it all pretty. Veggies are coming along GREAT this year, we are still eating salad (going on about 3 1/2 months now) and Trevor ate a tomato last week.