Monday, June 8, 2009

Shower Power

Well we are currently on dishwasher #3 and I think this one is a winner! Our "new" dishwasher that we had turned out to be pretty rough. Pretty much the loudest dishwasher in existence! However, it did the job it was supposed to do and we aren't exactly picking money off our tree so it was better than nothing. We went camping on Saturday with my sister and bro-in-law and were lamenting about dishwasher death and the subsequent plumbing annoyances. Turns out they had a pretty damn near brand new stainless one sitting in their garage! My sister got all new matching appliances when they bought their new house and they were going to sell this one but it turns out we were in need. SCORE! Thanks Chelsea, you are currently my favorite sistah! :) Trevor spent 2 hours trying to hook it up last night and we need a new copper pipe so hopefully it will be functioning by this evening. Living in a remodel gets very trying at times. I know it is worth it in the end, but coming home chaos can make me batshit crazy! We also FINALLY bought an oval rod to install over our clawfoot tub so we can take showers! Turns out these are very spendy, and we shopped around to find one for a good price. I feel so spoiled, a shower? For me? I love having the clawfoot tub though and I really wouldn't trade it. After a year of baths only, I appreciate a nice shower more than ever. So everybody, go home and tell your shower how much you love and appreciate it. The stupid blogger thing seems to have changed the way they let you upload photos, and I am having difficulty with it. So anyway, on the top you have what the bathroom looks like as of this morning and it sure has come a long way! I don't have very good lighting in my bathroom, and the paint looks a little more green in that photo than it does in person, but you get the idea.

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