Monday, June 1, 2009


The long awaited letter from the admissions office finally arrived on Friday afternoon. I am accepted into the program, but am an alternate for Fall of 2009. So this means my admission date is in August of 2010, and I am ok with that. There is a possibility of being accepted this Fall, but I am considering forfeiting my spot so that I have more time, not less. I don't want to find out the first week of August that I have to quit my job and get 5 immunizations!

I was starting to have a bit of anxiety about not knowing what the hell I am doing in less than 3 months, so it is a major relief to have an answer. I think waiting a year will be the best choice financially, but I would like to get the school chapter of my life least for a few years.

This weekend we knocked a few things off the to-do list for the house! I have a few pictures so I will get those up because visuals are much better for those type of things.

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