Monday, December 29, 2008

Where did the month go??

Wow, December was a really busy month for me and probably everyone else too. Trevor's birthday was on the 17th and it went off really well for someone who despises their birthday. We watched the Jazz and ate pizza and cheesecake (compliments of my sister) and washed it all down with some beerz. MMMM Calories! We had family in town from both sides and I had the last 4 days off work. I was really sick on Christmas Eve and Christmas but I survived. Our carpet arrived earlier than expected and it looks so great. Trevor did a great job, I helped...a little. I'll get pictures up soon of the new paint in the bathroom and the carpet...but we are going to Mexico on Wednesday for a week sooooo it might be awhile. I hope everyone else had a great holiday!

1 comment:

Kacey & Roxanna said...

Hey How the heck are you??? I was so excited to hear from you. It sounds like you are doing good! Your blog is very cute. I can't wait to see your pictures of Mexico! I am pretty jelious!!