Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So we are going to close on our first house today at 4! I know I have probably said that at least 8 times before, but seriously it's happening...and if it doesn't there probably won't be any more blogs from me because I will have run far far away.

In the next few days I will post some before pictures of the house that we can FINALLY start remodeling now that it is ours. The plan includes painting, new carpet, knocking down a couple of walls, new cabinets and countertops in the kitchen (YAY!), probably some landscaping...but that probably won't happen until next spring.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Last week we met a neighbor from around the corner named Ayayi. He is from Togo which is a little country near the west coast of Africa. His story is so sad, like so many other refugees from other African countries. From what he has told us, most of his family was killed and he was sent to America by an organization so he can have a chance at a better life. His country is fighting for a democracy and the party in power does not want a democracy, so they are fighting to keep it away while others are fighting for it. He said the "bad men" would take 1,000 people a night from he refugee camps and dump them in the ocean. I can only imagine that is the tip of the iceberg as far as the bad things that are happening there. He is legally blind, he was tortured by being forced to stare at the sun for several hours a day. He needs friends and people to network with so badly. He told us that he gets $605 from social security every month and his rent (the half he pays) is $480. He volunteers 12 hours a week at the DI and they pay 1/2 of his rent. On Saturday we had a birthday BBQ at my house for McKenzie on Saturday filled with delicious food and drinks. We made margaritas with the "magic bullet" and grilled up some steaks and brats. I was working in the kitchen so I didn't get to eat much, but I still had a great time! After some people arrived I came outside and Ayayi was standing in our front yard so I invited him back and he had a great time! The next morning we went to "the sev" (7-11) and when we came back he was just sitting on our porch. He told us he had been sitting in our backyard drinking beer all morning LOL. He wants to hang out all the time, so we are working on a balance of being his friends, but he needs to understand that we want privacy at times as well. He was cracking me up by saying that the neighbors were going to tell us that "the black man was in our backyard." He is a really nice guy and I'm happy that he met us. Trevor will be able to help him find part time work, he knows soooooo maaaaannnyyyy people.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

vaccines, thermometers up the butt and adequan injections

So yesterday afternoon the whole family went to the vet. Trevor didn't want to put lily in her little carrier box..."Can't I just hold her in my lap?" Sure! Why not? After she clawed the shit out of him (before we even left the driveway) he went inside and got the box. HAHAHA

Dexter needed all of his yearly shots and we did a blood test for heartworm (negative :) ). So Dexter has had an issue for about 2 years where his patella on his right back leg slips out of place. He usually yelps when it happens and it is likely to happen in cold weather or if he goes tearing ass across the yard or down the street for something. I knew that surgery was an option, but it didn't really seem in our Dr.'s opinion to be the best option for Dex. So I was just waiting it out to see if it would get better if he lost a little weight (lil chunky munky weighs 23 lbs!) and got regular long walks. When we went yesterday our Dr. gave us another option for his knee and we are going to start the treatments this fall. He will be gettin "adequan" injections in his leg twice a week for the first month. Then after the initial treatment, he will likely only need them every 2-4 months on average. Yesterday I spent $200 at the vet and the first month of treatment for that is likely to run about $300-400. I know it is a lot of money but it is totally worth it to me. Both of my pets are pure extracts of sunshine in my life and make me smile and laugh several times a day.

Lily only had to get her feline leukemia vaccine so we can start letting her out as she pleases but she has to go back for a booster in 3-4 weeks before she is totally in the clear. In the mean time I am broke as shit and we still haven't closed on the house :o

Monday, June 2, 2008


So we are moved into the new house. The cat is freaked out, the dog loves it, and I am unsure because we have SHIT EVERYWHERE!!! I have to jump hurdles to get from one room to the next. We were supposed to close on Friday (like so many other times when we were "going to close") and we didn't (big surprise) because someone at the title company took the afternoon off! grrr...But I stayed home this morning because we were "supposed to close" first this this morning, and I couldn't find my keys and would have been really late anyway! HAHAHA

I'm feeling kinda stressed about life right now but I am just trying to roll with it and not get all worked up. I want to take a trip to the beach house (want, not a need but I WANT I WANT I WANT) and I need to touch base with my grandpa about Trevor and I....mostly Trevor....painting his house this summer. I need to unpack...we need to paint blah blah many "to-do's." My stomach is super upset because it has only had coffee and water today, so maybe I will be happy if I have a sammich!! :p