Monday, June 28, 2010

Hot hot heat

Our swamp cooler has been on the fritz. T was pretty sure the motor was going out because it would hum when you would turn it on but it wasn't blowing anything. For a few days we would take the side off and turn the giant wheel to get it started. Yeah, that only worked a few times before it died for real. It's been in the 90s in Salt Lake City and without the cooler going it is 80 degrees in my house when I wake up in the morning.

Friday night Trev came home BEAT and slept on the couch for a few hours (didn't even eat the dinner I made him! must have been tired...), showered and slept some more. I could handle the heat no longer and asked him to work his magic with the wheel to get it to turn on. Didn't work - SO we went to our home away from home (home depot) and picked up a new motor for $80. I helped him install it by handing him tools and holding the motor while he connected parts, disconnected parts and swore a lot. Those motors are HEAVY! My shoulders are still sore from it. As I was getting mildewy swamp cooler water dripped all over me, and my arms were burning from holding up the motor (our ladder has disappeared, if you borrowed it without asking, please just return it) and rust flakes were flying into my eyes and down my shirt I thought to myself "I HATE HOMEOWNERSHIP!!!" Friday at midnight is for drinking beer or playing wii or sleeping.

It took until the next day to fix it but it's working great now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE having a man who can fix things. Without him I'd be roasting hot, wouldn't have brakes on my car, no garden tomatoes, no NEW KITCHEN (I'll put photos up when it's totally complete) and so many other fantastic things.

Can YOU tell which is the old motor???

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