Friday, January 29, 2010

Not so used to this

We have had so many positive changes in our lives lately and I'm feeling like I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. Does anyone else ever feel this way? Then I get anxiety as if my waiting for something negative is actually going to cause it...I need therapy HAHA. But all in all things are going really great. Trevor got a new job as gardener for this rich dude (really awesome guy, deserves a better title than "rich dude") about two weeks ago and he officially starts it full time on Monday! He will be gardening indoor (greenhouse) and outdoor gardens, so it will be year round. He also is responsible for maintenance on the commercial building. We are healthy, the pets are healthy, the house is healthy...I really couldn't ask for more. I will try to focus on being more grateful for where we are at and where our lives are headed than feeling anxious about what could happen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something to look forward to

Feeling kind of bummed out this week and am really only looking forward to picking out yarn for this knitting class I'm taking toward the end of this month. I am also looking forward to lounging with the cat and the dog and hoping that Trev brings home some fries tonight. The title of this is also a Spoon song and I heard on KRCL this morning that they are coming to town on April 7! Trev and I drove all the way to Red Rocks in Colorado in 07 and just missed them. Them coming to town is definitely something to look forward too.

Longer term I am looking forward to the garden! (Fuzzy baby tomato to help me visualize) I'm actually looking forward to both the flowers and the veg this year, seems like we get a little better at it as each season goes on. I made pasta primavera last night (zucch, yellow squash, broccoli, red bell, onion, tomato...all topped with fresh parmesan of course) and it really made me long for the garden fare.

I have two posts written but haven't had my camera handy to put the corresponding photos on too. Maybe tonight will be the night?