Wednesday, September 2, 2009

summer goal re-cap

With less than 3 weeks left of "official" summer - The Autumn equinox falls on my bday (the 22nd) this year - I am checking on my progress. I am a perpetual slacker so I better get my rear in gear. Here are/were my goals:

- Read at least 3 books

Shit! Why is it so hard for me to make time for something I enjoy so much? I read Case Histories, so that is 1. I finished the 2nd half of Me Talk Pretty One Day so that is 1 1/2. I am currently reading The Devil in the White City (CREEEEEPY!!) so I know what I am doing tonight! Then I better find another book.

- Knit every week (I have a lot of gifts to make for the future and my skillz need some refreshing and refining)

Um yeah, not even close on this one. But I am signing up for a socks class that takes place October 4th. I think I will change this to a Fall goal (what a cheater!).

- Help Trevor more with our garden

Success! I have also been helping eat stuff from it a lot :)

- Make the back yard pretty and fix the fence

Nope. Grass is dead. Fence is still white trash.

- $Pay off debt$

Hmmm I would say this is a partial success? We paid off our home depot account and I have been making steady payments for the TV we bought but unexpected car problems, vet bills and other costs of homeownership have hindered some of our progress. Such is life!

- Go camping until I have had my fill of it

We did Calf Creek, Topaz Mountain and Strawberry. A fair amount of camping. I will be happy with this because it's 300% more than we did last Summer.

- Ride bikes...a lot

You betcha! Still goin strong. We rode bikes to the Tuesday evening Farmer's Market last night thank you very much.

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