Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Well I turned 24 yesterday. I still feel like I'm 19, is that weird? I had a great birthday though, thank you everyone for making me feel special :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Last night I made jam for the first time with my sistah's. Hopefully it tastes good! Trevor got a TON of peaches from the tree at his dad's and we got some blackberries from our friend's blackberry bush. All homegrown produces will hopefully lead to yummy jam. We even made a blackberry peach batch and I'm really excited to try that one.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

summer goal re-cap

With less than 3 weeks left of "official" summer - The Autumn equinox falls on my bday (the 22nd) this year - I am checking on my progress. I am a perpetual slacker so I better get my rear in gear. Here are/were my goals:

- Read at least 3 books

Shit! Why is it so hard for me to make time for something I enjoy so much? I read Case Histories, so that is 1. I finished the 2nd half of Me Talk Pretty One Day so that is 1 1/2. I am currently reading The Devil in the White City (CREEEEEPY!!) so I know what I am doing tonight! Then I better find another book.

- Knit every week (I have a lot of gifts to make for the future and my skillz need some refreshing and refining)

Um yeah, not even close on this one. But I am signing up for a socks class that takes place October 4th. I think I will change this to a Fall goal (what a cheater!).

- Help Trevor more with our garden

Success! I have also been helping eat stuff from it a lot :)

- Make the back yard pretty and fix the fence

Nope. Grass is dead. Fence is still white trash.

- $Pay off debt$

Hmmm I would say this is a partial success? We paid off our home depot account and I have been making steady payments for the TV we bought but unexpected car problems, vet bills and other costs of homeownership have hindered some of our progress. Such is life!

- Go camping until I have had my fill of it

We did Calf Creek, Topaz Mountain and Strawberry. A fair amount of camping. I will be happy with this because it's 300% more than we did last Summer.

- Ride bikes...a lot

You betcha! Still goin strong. We rode bikes to the Tuesday evening Farmer's Market last night thank you very much.