Friday, March 20, 2009

RANT: Countrywide

We recently did an FHA streamline to get our mortgage rate down to 5.50% from 6.50% Our first mortgage was sold to Countrywide (ugh) and when we did the re-fi we were sold to Countrywide again (UGH!). The one good thing about them is that I can pay the mortgage payment online with no fee. So I got our new statement in the mail and was setting up the online payment stuff and I could not figure out how I did the 1 time payment. So I called them(3 times to get through their craptastic automated robot lady) and I can't do an online payment for April 1st. My options are pay $20 to pay by phone (!!!) or send a check. People all over the country are defaulting on their mortgages and they want to charge me 20 bucks to make AN ON TIME payment!? I have spoken with some other people and other companies charge to make any online payment, on time or not. Redonk!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Who has spring fever really bad?! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The weather here has been great (for Utah)! We are looking at 70 for Friday and Saturday, then back to the 40s and 50s, but Spring is in sight! I chopped the hell out of our rosebushes last weekend and still have some holes in my fingers. Hopefully it will be a start to avoid the paint-job-ruining havoc they wreak since they are lining our driveway. Little buds of life are appearing on the plants,the back yard is getting cleaned up, and seeds have been started.

I have this week off school and now I'm really dreading finishing the semester. I'm going to spend the next few days trying to get ahead on some homework and reading, we'll see how well I do.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Germans have arrived!

My friend Carolyn moved to Germany a few years ago and she is back for a visit for two weeks! YAY

Yesterday we went to some hot springs that are a little ways south of Provo. We were expecting about a 2 mile hike that should have taken us an hour BUT what we got was a closed road and a 13 mile round trip journey. HA

The hot springs were awesome, SMELLY, but awesome. There was also a naked lady there who was ultra pissed that we crashed her party. Oops.

Today I feel like an old lady with my hurt foot and sore legs. I have Spring Break the week of the 16th and now I'm in the mood to camp.

Here are some pictures of the adventure