Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Summer bugs

This morning while I was zoning out in the tub I looked up and saw a box elder bug crawling on the wall. YAY that means spring is nearly here! My friend calls them summer bugs and I do believe that is an appropriate name. The hammock and barbeque are waiting, hurry up and get here.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In need

of some comofort food. Oooey gooey cheesy and warm please, and delivered to me within the next 30 minutes is a plus. I haven't been feeling so hot for a few days and I finally have an appetite as of this afternoon. I am also in need of the elimination of negativity and negative nancies in my general existence. K thanks.

love: my boyfriend
hate: bad vibes
miss: warm cheesey goodness

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Review of a good week

Last weekend we holed up at a friends cabin at Alta I went skiing for the first time in my life. REALLY fun. I can't believe it has taken me this long to try it, but I am going again on Sunday. The exercise was much needed since we ate fondue two nights in a row...gluttons :) On Saturday night we had chocolate fondue for dessert with little pieces of cheesecake and poundcake made by my sister OH. MY. GAWD. sooo good.

I took my first anatomy test last week and I got a 97 WOOO! What a relief. I have a lab midterm coming up and am a bit behind in my Psych class, but all in all school is trucking right along. Oh and the Jazz beat the Lakers last week too, doesn't get much better than that!

Today I
Love: the number 97
Hate: that I procrastinate
Miss: garlic burgers from our grill

Monday, February 9, 2009

Today I...

Love: knitting! Especially learning new knitting techniques
Hate: too much homework, and the stress that comes with it
Miss: laying in the hammock

School is nasty this week, I would rather knit.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Do you realize???

So I was listening to KRCL this morning and one of my all time favorites came on. If you are not familiar with the flaming lips, get familiar! Anyway, song is called Do You Realize and it is the cats meow. Trev and I saw them in Sept of 07 at red rocks in colorado, one of my best memories as of late. *sits here and daydreams

I have my first anatomy test on Tuesday AGH!! Wish me luck!

New topic

I am starting a Love/Hate/Miss (idea stolen from Sandy)

For today,

Love: the flaming lips, krcl
Hate: not having enough free time
Miss: long hours of daylight