Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Going out with a bang!

This last weekend we were supposed to camp at Bear Lake with some friends but I got really sick last Tuesday and Trevor had another obligation on Saturday night. Long story short, we bagged the camping trip (waverunners and all) and decided we would maybe try to go some time in September before the weather turned real chilly. Thursday night rolled around and our friends that we were going to camp with called and said that we had to go ahead not only to stay at their parent's cabin at the lake but we could also take out the BOAT!! This was an unprecedented event...cabin and the boat to ourselves!?!? I'm so glad we got to be part of it! We left on Thursday night after Trev's last regular season hockey game and finally made it up there about 1:30. The drive was only about 2-2.5 hours from our house but we didn't leave till kinda late. We had an absolute BLAST! Friday started out with pancakes followed by a quick 10 min drive to Idaho for a bee double eee double arrr you ennn. Nothing like the outta state fat tire! Mmm. After farting around and grocery shopping and stuff our friend's SWEET little boy Sylas needed a nap and we ended up getting out on the boat around 5. I haven't done a lot of boating in my life but everyone kept talking about how fab the water was and everyone had pretty much cleared off the lake so we really lucked out. Over the next two days we got our fair share tubing, wakeboarding and I even ended up riding the waverunner too.
This is Duke and little Duke OR Dexter and big Dexter. Seriously. Same dog, different size.

Hey! This picture makes it look like I actually stood up on the wakeboard!

Yeah, this happened like 10 times :) Next time! I'm gonna do it next time!

Trevor became Sylas's good buddy (He can play "blue blue's" on his phone) and they hung out while mama drove the boat and dada wakeboarded.

Favorite quotes: "dada down!" "dada boat?" "vrooom"

My FAVORITE picture of trip

Finally got the Strawerry pics up!

Well I am still figuring out how to do this photo adding stuff...don't know why I'm struggling with the concept? HA! Anyway these pictures are about a month old but we had a blast at Strawberry...fishing...beer drinking...mountain biking ...ahhhh summer.

You had to have a white car to be at our camp :)

Lil tired pups