Thursday, April 23, 2009


is totally nasty unless it contains a glob of peanut butter. I love vegetables and am making an effort to expand my vegetable horizons, to find ways to eat the ones that I currently dislike. I thought I hated brussel sprouts but a friend of mine marinated them in honey, soy sauce and ginger...I think...anyway, he tossed them on the grill. Doooood, brussel sprouts are good when they aren't frozen green giant brussel sprouts! Same with spinach. Spinach is SO good. I think a lot of people have their first experience with spinach as a nasty frozen sludge that doesn't even resemble spinach. These people grow up thinking they hate spinach. Sad.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring and the latest haps

Wow! Where does the time go? I can't beleve that one year ago, we were coming back from Europe!

The last month has been pretty nuts. A few weeks ago I got the sickness from hell and was laid out for days. The entire thing lasted about 12 days for me. Then it got passed on to Trevor and he kicked it in roughly 4 days. My immune system sucks. School is trucking along, I took my final in my cadaver lab on Monday night, I am 90% finished with my psychology class and my physical therapy class should be finished by the middle of next week. I think my Anatomy final is on May 7th, so the end is near. I also should find out in about a month if I got into my program this coming Fall. Most of me wants to just go for it this year, but I am worried about quitting my job and being a full time student living on loans and basically no income. I guess whatever happens, happens!

The last few weekends we have been busting ass on our front yard. There are so many lovely plants and trees that were already there when we moved in. I'm sure our neighbors are happy that our house is no longer the foreclosed eye sore of the neighborhood. I have been talking to the tulips for the last few days when I walk by and they finally opened up about yesterday! I talk to my that weird?

I had a bunch of fun pictures of recent events but this stupid site is being difficult. Pictures later. I promise.